Thursday, July 8, 2010

Completing Him Challenge: Week Four

I'm a little behind in pretty much everything, to include the Completing Him Challenge over at Women Living Well...

That hasn't stopped me from doing the challenge though - all week long I've been looking at my husband in a new light, taking the time to appreciate every little thing that he does for me.

This week's challenge was to
So let me tell you a few things about mine...

  • He has great ideas. Our finances did not support us celebrating our anniversary the way we wanted to... and when we were going to just look it over altogether, my awesome hubby came up with a great way to celebrate on a VERY tight budget. Often, I'm not able to see a bigger picture and he comes up with very creative ideas.... one of those "complete me" things. : ) I also don't always see things from the right perspective (he says this is because women are emotional and men are practical, lol) like what a particular bible verse means... I love bouncing verses off of him and getting his view - he ALWAYS brings something to the table that I just didn't figure in.

  • He is amazingly selfless. Just last night, I took up too much time getting my daughter's birthday cake decorated - and when it was time to make supper, the baby was hungry... what does my hubby do? Without saying a single word about my misusing my time, he starts peeling potatoes and getting pans out. Speaking of which, I forgot to thank him - I need to call him right now... Also, when he was awarded an Old Navy gift certificate for a workout program his job hosts, did he spend it on himself? Yes. No, just kidding... : ) He handed it over to me and told me to go buy the baby some clothes. When I won a gift card in a giveaway, did he tell me to spend it on the kids or things that we NEED? Nope. He knew I hadn't bought any clothes since before I got pregnant, so he told me to go clothes shopping.

  • He is fiercely protective of our children. He hates the idea of them getting sick (and tries to quarantine them) : ) or being around bad influences. How many people in this world just say "they need to learn what the world is like sometime"... not my hubby - he always has their best interests in mind. Even when I practice home remedies on the kids for things like pink eye, he always has one foot out the door, ready to go to the doctor... : )  (I take it in good humor, I assure you). When my three year old had an allergic reaction to mosquito bites (YES, that can happen!) I was just going to give her benadryl and call it a day, but he took her to the doctor and found out that it was a serious reaction.When that same three year old got a gash on her noggin from falling onto the corner of a chair (if you don't have kids, YES it's like this ALL the time) he drove home from work right away...

  • He is a Command Man. It's really embarrassing to say... but I'm wishy-washy. I was a Staff Sergeant in the Air Force... and I'm wishy-washy. When it comes to directing people around, I'm good. Making decisions... not so good. If you've read Debbie Pearl's Created to be His Helpmeet, you know what a Command Man is. And mine is one. He always has a plan and he knows how to put it in place. He knows how to get somewhere, he knows how to budget for it, he knows how to get us all out the door in time and he's always ready to make a decision on where to go and what to do. If he lets me pick where to eat, it goes something like this... "um... I don't know... maybe here... or there... what do you think?" My standby is usually Sonic when I can't decide. : )
Isn't this challenge supposed to be about "Completing Him"?... because all I'm seeing is how he completes me LOL.

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